Only one thing is more important than being right....
Respecting your friendship and relationship with another and how you make them feel.....
You can think the Universe is imperfect..... Or perfect......

One of these will offer a much more peaceful and relaxing life and allow you more head space and time to think for yourself.... The other, an endless consumption of your time preoccupied with fighting the grand universe and what is......


A beautiful way to define yourself is by how you make people feel....

Starting with yourself.... 😉


Do you notice how you make yourself feel from waking up to going to sleep?


Do you say nice things to yourself?


Could​ you be nicer to yourself?


Are you complimenting yourself on all achievements small and large?


Are you able to notice self criticism and go easy on yourself?


Are you encouraging yourself to find the lessons in so called mistakes and apply this in your future?


Do you enjoy being with your own conversation in your head?


Some people have no connection with how they make people feel as they are unaware of how they make themselves feel.


People will usually give you the same amount of respect that you give yourself as you set the example.


To me, respect has a lot to do with communication and self respect comes from good positive loving self communication.


Having honest, open, enjoyable conversations with yourself allows you to have the very same with others.


You have two ways of responding to life choices....... Fear or Love


With Fear you miss out on personal experiences and live a life according to your conditioned and reactive mind..... and comes with the free subscription to fear which costs a lot on your well being and happiness and no love....


With Love you take the leap of faith that makes you feel good, gives you lessons and lets you grow into what you do not know about yourself and others..... and comes with a free subscription to bliss and authenticity to your inner calling and life purpose...


I know I choose Love every day as much as often and become more and more aware of where I am choosing fear..... I would rather live a life of complete shamelessness and no regrets, than missing out and never knowing what is real and what is in my head....
When we choose to make decisions from our mind, then we will see things from a personalised right/wrong, good/bad (in duality)............  
When we choose to listen to the Intelligence of the Heart, then we can see things from a grander unified perspective that is not based on duality, but "Unity in All That Exists".....
From this grander perspective are we then able to get ourselves (thoughts about ourselves) out of the road and see what is actually happening in the "now"...... without personal attachment and see things from many people's perspectives......
If we let the mind get its way of thinking it is "right" then there is a very real chance we can convince ourselves and act out of self-service without realising it........  
When we consciously make the bigger decisions in life from our Heart, we make progress in our life that makes us happy, as the heart knows love and the lack of love and is always looking out to increase love - even if your mind does not understand it at the time........


Life is but a dream.....
Do not let the dream control you....
Instead gain control over the dream by using your Imagination which is the playground from which the dream is created....
Anything distracting you from your imagination is the dream controlling you.

This is what Albert Einstein was saying when he said - "Imagination is more important than Knowledge."


Self esteem should always be measured on "how YOU feel about yourself" not in comparison to others, but how you feel for what you are and what you are choosing right now to make yourself happy that is not hurting anyone, any animal or the planet..... Too many people when you ask why they do not like and judge themselves tell me concepts of.... where they are not like ....... and do not have  ..... or good like...... are ugly?!?   All comparison with externals, mostly social conditioning that is so far removed from "unconditional love"..... Stop comparison with externals... You are the ONLY YOU and have no one to compare you with - unless you believe the concepts of social consumerism tying you down into your own prison of your mind full of crap judgmental talk! 

This is sad that we have been taught this.... Accept who you are and what you are right now and know that you are always able to change.......  I practice the above and still find myself having to really clear out self judgements and this causes growth and change and I love that!! Bring it on I say! 

Three things are constant for me and everything else I am willing to review and change my perspective on 
I am Beautiful...
I am Love......
I am Soul......


Something I ask myself and other people when they are "stuck" and seem to be repeating things over and over and not getting anywhere...



What would someone you look up to or admire a great deal do if they were in the same situation? What would they say? What would be their next move or action they would take? How would they compose themselves to take on the challenge and WIN!?



Most times I see people ponder for a moment and then "download" the answer they are looking for as they are getting out of their "mindset" and borrowing someone else's...... I have seen people stop tears in seconds and change state so fast! There are always solutions, just sometimes "our" perspective" is so hard coded and fixated on a certain predicament and solutions that it cannot see the solution that is easiest and give the most favourable outcomes for all involved.....



Try it! I do this when ever I feel stuck, I ask myself what my Highest Self would do right now......

Sometimes we isolate ourselves and never let anyone close.......
Sometimes we make it hard for people to get close......
Sometimes we never understand just how beautiful we are....
Sometimes we cannot understand how others are attracted to our presence.....
Sometimes it is good to let people come close and help remind us what we can love about ourselves because we have forgotten or been distracted....
Sometimes..... Our beauty is more majestic than we can imagine...

To feel love for someone just for an hour is to know love for a lifetime, to love someone for a entire lifetime is to know them eternally as a soul mate, so you recognise them in your next lifetime....

In reality when I find my self being judgmental, I have learnt to ask myself why am I judging someone, and then look in the mirror and ask myself where am I judging myself and trying to make myself feel better by judging others and telling myself I am somehow a better person because I am not like (blah blah blah)......  Literally offsetting an internal conversation in my head onto others around me to make myself feel better...... I do not like judging myself and hearing crap about myself in my head and learnt to tell my head to shut up and say "does it really matter?" This stopped me judging others and allows me the space to practice and feel unconditional love....  I love when others tell me they see this from me and allow themselves to be totally free with me and just be and talk and do what they need to do in order to find themselves loved at a level that they may not have experienced from others...... Why should I judge you? If you do no harm.... Then just be with me :)

I am very concerned about the amount of restaurants that serve Vegan food to people.
I mean it should be illegal to be putting people at risk of protein deficiency!! Everyone knows many people are dropping dead from animal protein deficiency.
Pretty sure I remember reading on a blog that it is the second highest cause of death after lack of cow's milk! I went to a Vegan restaurant the other day, sat there waiting to see someone drop dead but I think they must have security escort them out before anyone sees them so they can keep serving rabbit food!
I even asked a lady there where does she get her protein from and she told me that plants, nuts and seeds have protein. Felt so sorry for her falling for such BS that is being spread around these days! She told me that the strongest guy in the world is vegan! Yeh right! How is that possible?!
Everyone knows we came from apes and monkeys and that they can live on just eating plants but we cannot! I remember the Five Food groups from School and I am so glad I believed it!
Feeling sad for all the Vegans dropping dead! Thinking I should write to my local politicians to put a ban on Vegan restaurants as they are a health hazard! Anyone else concerned??


Many people think the opinions they have are scientific based but are really based on marketing from industries.

The TV is a great source of an endless amount of marketing "belief systems" to make you a consumer of xyz and is why it is free...... #turnoffthetv

Sexuality connects you with a frequency of ecstasy through orgasm, which connects you back to your divine source and to information hidden in your DNA and cellular memory.


HeartMath Institute performed a particularly mind boggling experiment where people would be sitting watching a computer screen with different photos chosen to provoke emotions ranging from love to fear.

The people had biofeedback equipment measuring their heart, brain and skin conductivity levels and what they discovered was that even before the photos were randomly being chosen and displayed by the computer, that our heart, brain and body knew what was about to be shown.

This experiment shows that we are connected to something which knows about the future and the first place the information "appears" is from our heart, then brain and then the body....

The heart is the first thing that forms when we are growing in our mother's womb and then everything grows around this.

In my opinion after looking at so much research ranging from quantum physics to personal intuitive experiences where I did over 300 "intuitive readings" to experiments like this one that HeartMath does, we are connected to "The Field" where there is no time, no distance and is where all information is. When we take this into perspective, it explains why we can know things about the future and about the past which is not connected to this human body's lifetime.

Our heart is the receiver, the pineal gland (third eye) the amphitheater for this information to be received in a vision format from the heart. The body is just an avatar. We are more than we have been told.

We are part of, not seperate from, every thing through the field. We are intimately connected with no time or distance separating us.

Watch the video of the experiment here......

We are in a holographic simulation which has incredible endless possibilities to create physical reality. This ultimately means the real part of you (your soul) uses the avatar (your body) to have an experience here. You are not what you have been taught at school. You are not the avatar, nor the programs or software installed in the avatar, you are the observer and that part of you never ceases to exist. You are immortal and connected to everything and the concept of being seperate and that you die is merely part of the game of this holographic reality. The more you identify with your personality and identity, the more you are bound to the avatar and lose connection with the observer and then not able to play the game fully. You are more than you can imagine! You are God and playing within a simulation which has free will and allows you to learn, create and transform reality. You are equal with everything. When you disconnect from your Soul (the observer) you become stuck in the Game and it is up to you on what level you want to play. No one is here to save you except yourself. Change your thoughts and create reality how you want it by pushing your comfort zones right out to infinity!
Are we able to take responsibility and see ourselves as the creator and Cause of our reality and that we create it by choices....... 

Or fall into the victim energy and that we are at the Effect of everything and have no choices or influence on what is happening to us...... 

Cause vs Effect.... 

We can all choose to hold the effect/victim energy as though it will be our "story" and without realising it, we begin to carry it around and tell people our story so that we receive their sympathy.... 

Unconsciously playing an energy game that makes people not enjoy our company as much as they would like to..... As we progress in time, not letting the story go, re-telling the story over and over, suddenly our story becomes the foothold of importance to us in order to gain attention, appreciation and love...... We tell others why so and so was such a bad person..... That "they" did something to us and ultimately saying over and over how we are still "there" in the past wanting control of what happened and not getting control of it..... Not moving on from a past moment and taking more notice of the present moment, right now. 

When we are ready, we can choose to move into the Cause and choose to see the lessons and learnings..... Go Ahead no matter how large your stories may be....

Let go of your victim stories and create lessons and learnings so the future is new, advanced, enhanced and so much better because you chose to take notice, because only you can do this..... There is no right or wrong.... Just choices....

The grass is not greener on the other side..... It is greener where you tender it.....

It is easier to attempt to see another as more suitable, a source of connection or intimacy but miss the real lesson within the relationship you are in....

We can tell ourselves the current relationship is not right as the other person is this and that...... But people grow and change and sometimes within a day..... 

If you can authentically express to them without expectation for them to change what your experience and observation is without blame, judgement or an energy that is binding them to their current place.... Then allow them the space to digest and process this..... then growth can miraculously occur......

Sometimes our own personal lessons are more about deep authentic expression, patience, allowing, tolerance and learning to forgive..... We can trick ourselves and carry these lessons straight over the other side and experience the same thing again..... 

Sometimes when we think people are not good enough for us, maybe we are not being good enough to them...... ❤

Anyone tying to control your sexuality, is ultimately trying to control your spirituality....

The corruption of our sexuality from religious or cult-ural belief systems have created so much insecurities and shame around sexuality that as soon as someone expresses their sexuality, people are not noticing their self automated judgement programs kicking in.

Some people even try to use your sexuality against you to make you feel that somehow you are not normal. They are un-der natural in their thoughts and not with their own peaceful nature to accept others... Through their own self judgements that play in their head all day, they make themselves feel lousy and can get addicted to playing the same game the ego voice says to them onto others.... stealing energy as they do this....

When you see someone being critical and judgemental, they are this themselves inside and that behavior is normal for them and is why they believe it is OK to do to others.... remember this, as it is sometimes hard to answer the "why are they doing this?" It is normal in their head. Their ego has convinced them that the ego is them and they should listen to this ego voice. But really the ego is external programs, not you, not you.... Definitely not you... Ego is all your fears given to you about not fitting in with your cult-ure. These fears were not inside your head when you were born and is why each cult-ure has different ego voices and different results. Some peaceful, but many destructive to "connection".

They will use cult-ural or religious beliefs to back them up and booster their lousy feelings inside by playing the critical and judgemental character on you and let them avoid that voice in their head about themselves. This is their only escape.

Loving oneself before you can love another, may be the deepest truth to sexuality. Masturbating and discovery of self through orgasm has somehow become shameful and dirty and many other things..... Yet we will see animals and children who have not been subjected to the installation of belief systems from religious and cult-ures.... doing this as it is a natural process of being an body with sexual function. We also see animals of same sex enjoying each other sexually... It is natural... To restrict and control is the opposite of spiritual growth....

After many years of being fascinated by sexuality and orgasm and the Kundalini energy we access through orgasm, I have been able to use this to put amazing energy through my body that allows me a deeper experience in my human body..... I have very heightened senses. I can smell things way before anyone else does. I can see energy around people. I can feel energy from people next to me as well as remotely. I feel I have a deeper access to he human bodies capabilities. The Egyptian cult-ure had more than 5 senses and went into the high teens. We are asleep because our sexuality has been controlled and ultimately our spiritual connection as we instead of listening to ourselves inside about our true nature, we listen to an external source. This is exactly that - not you!! Listen to you.

If you are not connected totally to your sexuality, then you are numbing your true senses built into the human body.... this is my opinion 😉 one of these senses is Intuition.

Free yourself from these programs, notice and be aware when you yourself play the programs given to you. Noticing when programs play about others will allow you to measure how much you are doing this to yourself. This takes discipline. The very second you notice yourself being critical or judgemental, then give it up and say to yourself, I give up on doing this to myself. I accept and love myself just the way I am. 😁 And give yourself a hug 🤗 or ask for one from someone else 🤗🤗

Return to Your Peace by being connected at the root level of your energetic system that connects your body to your soul.....

Go have some great sex today, even if it is with yourself, even if you just think about it ❤️ we all deserve the very best for ourselves... Don't settle for anything less especially if you really think this life counts!